Source code for placekey.api

import hashlib
import json
import logging
import itertools
from typing import List

import requests
from ratelimit import limits, RateLimitException
from backoff import on_exception, fibo
from .__version__ import __version__

console_log = logging.StreamHandler()
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.handlers = [console_log]

[docs] class PlacekeyAPI: """ PlacekeyAPI class This class provides functionality for looking up Placekeys using the Placekey API. Places to be looked a specified by a **place dictionary** whose keys and value types must be a subset of * latitude (float) * longitude (float) * location_name (string) * street_address (string) * city (string) * region (string) * postal_code (string) * iso_country_code (string) * query_id (string) * place_metadata (dict[str,str]) See the `Placekey API documentation <>`_ for more information on how to use the API. :param api_key: Placekey API key (string) :param max_retries: Maximum number of times to retry a failed request before halting (int). Backoffs due to rate-limiting are included in the retry count. Defaults to 20. :param logger: A logging object. Logs are sent to the console by default. :param user_agent_comment: A string to append to the client's user agent, which will be "placekey-py/{version_number} {user_agent_comment}. """ URL = '' REQUEST_LIMIT = 1000 REQUEST_WINDOW = 60 BULK_URL = '' BULK_REQUEST_LIMIT = 100 BULK_REQUEST_WINDOW = 60 MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 100 DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = 'placekey-py/{}'.format(__version__) DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = 20 PLACE_METADATA_CONSTANT = 'place_metadata' QUERY_PARAMETERS = { 'latitude', 'longitude', 'location_name', 'street_address', 'city', 'region', 'postal_code', 'iso_country_code', 'query_id', PLACE_METADATA_CONSTANT } PLACE_METADATA_PARAMETERS = { 'store_id', 'phone_number', 'website', 'naics_code', 'mcc_code' } DEFAULT_QUERY_ID_PREFIX = "place_" def __init__(self, api_key=None, max_retries=DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, logger=log, user_agent_comment=None): self.api_key = api_key self.max_retries = max_retries self.logger = logger self.user_agent_comment = user_agent_comment self.key_ = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': self.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, 'apikey': self.api_key } self.headers = self.key_ if isinstance(self.user_agent_comment, str): self.headers['User-Agent'] = ( self.headers['User-Agent'] + " " + self.user_agent_comment).strip() # Rate-limited function for a single requests self.make_request = self._get_request_function( url=self.URL, calls=self.REQUEST_LIMIT, period=self.REQUEST_WINDOW, max_tries=self.max_retries) self.make_bulk_request = self._get_request_function( url=self.BULK_URL, calls=self.BULK_REQUEST_LIMIT, period=self.BULK_REQUEST_WINDOW, max_tries=self.max_retries)
[docs] def lookup_placekey(self, fields=None, **kwargs): """ Lookup the Placekey for a single place. :kwargs: Place fields can be passed to this method as keyword arguments. The allowed keyword arguments are ['latitude', 'longitude', 'location_name','street_address', 'city', 'region', 'postal_code', 'iso_country_code', 'query_id', 'place_metadata'] :return: A Placekey API response (dict) """ if not self._validate_query(kwargs): raise ValueError( "Query contains keys other than: {}".format(self.QUERY_PARAMETERS)) payload = {"query": kwargs} if fields: payload['options'] = {'fields': fields} result = self.make_request(payload) return json.loads(result.text)
[docs] def lookup_placekeys(self, places, fields=None, batch_size=MAX_BATCH_SIZE, verbose=False): """ Lookup Placekeys for an iterable of places specified by place dictionaries. This method checks that the place dictionaries are valid before querying the API, and it will return partial results if it encounters a fatal error. Places without a `query_id` will have one generated for them based on their index in `places`, e.g., "place_0" for the first item in the list, but a user-provided `query_id` will be passed through as is. This function is a wrapper for `lookup_batch`, and that function may be used if different error handling or logic around batch processing is desired. This method follows the rate limits of the Placekey API. :param places: An iterable of of place dictionaries. :param fields: A list of requested parameters other than placekey. For example: address_placekey, building_placekey Defaults to None :param batch_size: Integer for the number of places to lookup in a single batch. Defaults to 100, and cannot exceeded 100. :param verbose: Boolean for whether or not to log additional information. Defaults to False :return: A list of Placekey API responses for each place (list(dict)) """ if batch_size > self.MAX_BATCH_SIZE: raise ValueError("Batch size cannot exceed {}.".format(self.MAX_BATCH_SIZE)) if not all([self._validate_query(a) for a in places]): raise ValueError( "Some queries contain keys other than: {}".format(self.QUERY_PARAMETERS)) if verbose: self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('backoff').setLevel(logging.INFO) else: self.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger('backoff').setLevel(logging.ERROR) # Add a query_id to each place that doesn't have one for i, place in enumerate(places): if 'query_id' not in place: place['query_id'] = self.DEFAULT_QUERY_ID_PREFIX + str(i) results = [] for i in range(0, len(places), batch_size): max_batch_idx = min(i + batch_size, len(places)) batch_query_ids = [p['query_id'] for p in places[i:max_batch_idx]] try: res = self._lookup_batch( places[i:max_batch_idx], fields=fields ) except RateLimitException: self.logger.error( 'Fatal error encountered. Returning processed items at size %s of %s', i, len(places)) break # Catch case where all queries in batch having an error, # and generate rows for individual items. if isinstance(res, dict) and 'error' in res: 'All queries in batch (%s, %s) had errors', i, max_batch_idx) res = [{'query_id': query_id, 'error': res['error']} for query_id in batch_query_ids] # Catch other server-side errors elif 'message' in res: self.logger.error(res['message']) self.logger.error('Returning completed queries') break results.append(res) if max_batch_idx % (10 * batch_size) == 0 and i > 0:'Processed %s items', max_batch_idx) result_list = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(results))'Processed %s items', len(result_list))'Done') return result_list
def _lookup_batch(self, places, fields=None): """ Lookup Placekeys for a single batch of places specified by place dictionaries. The batch size can be at most 100 places. This method respects the rate limits of the Placekey API. :param places: An iterable of of place dictionaries. :param fields: A list of requested parameters other than placekey. For example: address_placekey, building_placekey Defaults to None :return: A list of Placekey API responses for each place (list(dict)) """ if len(places) > self.MAX_BATCH_SIZE: raise ValueError( '{} places submitted. The number of places in a batch can be at most {}' .format(len(places), self.MAX_BATCH_SIZE) ) batch_payload = { "queries": places } if fields: batch_payload['options'] = {"fields": fields} result = self.make_bulk_request(batch_payload) return json.loads(result.text) def _validate_query(self, query_dict): query_dict_keys = query_dict.keys() top_level_check = set(query_dict_keys).issubset(self.QUERY_PARAMETERS) place_metadata_check = set(query_dict.get(self.PLACE_METADATA_CONSTANT).keys()).issubset(self.PLACE_METADATA_PARAMETERS) if(self.PLACE_METADATA_CONSTANT in query_dict_keys) else True return top_level_check and place_metadata_check def _get_request_function(self, url, calls, period, max_tries): """ Construct a rate limited function for making requests. :param url: request URL :param calls: number of calls that can be made in time period :param period: length of rate limiting time period in seconds :param max_tries: the maximum number of retries before giving up """ @on_exception(fibo, RateLimitException, max_tries=max_tries) @limits(calls=calls, period=period) def make_request(data): response = url, headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8') ) if response.status_code == 429: raise RateLimitException("Rate limit exceeded", 0) # Assumption: A code other than 429 is handled by calling function return response return make_request